My iphone broke down last few days, so i couldn't update my Instagram on the New Year's eve, New Year's resolution or whatsoever. But to be honest i couldn't care less, deep down i know 70% of the resolution are just beautifully written up but they dont actually do it pon whatever it is on the list, if we want to do it, we could do it all day, through out the year why bother to wait until new year? It just a trend je setting up a new resolution tu, kan? Just take me as an example, i scrolled down my intagram to end of year 2014, and my ONLY ONE resolution was to make up my bed every day, and i didnt do it not even once. HAHAHA. So, tak payah sibuk nak kahwin lah k? Allah knows me well, so i should always trust Him!
However just to recap some of the highlight of my 2015, for my own reading in future.
1. My 7th Umrah trip to Mecca and Madinah, Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for giving the chance again & again. To more and more chance in future, Insya Allah. Maybe due to it was my 7th time already, i was prepared mentally and physically and i really really love staying there, i didnt do any shopping, i didnt play with my handphone, instagram (ok, i did browse it at night hehe) and facebook. My routine will be wake up, eat, straight to mosque, read Al-Quran and perform all the ibadah, back for lunch, went straight to mosque again until night, eat dinner and sleep, it continues for the whole 10 days; to be honest, it is where i feels like it is okay to forget everything and focus solely on ibadah. Alhamdulillah Ya Rabballalamin for the opportunity. I hope in future, i will be abe to get the chance to perform Haji when i am still young and healthy, Insya Allah.
2. Registered as a part time student doing ACCA. Call me crazy but I love studying so much and i have been always wanted to improve myself especially in financial/accounting knowledge, i believe it is never to late to start again when it comes to study. However, It was a tough paper, i expected it anyway. And i did failed my first paper haha. Wont blame anyone but myself, i was to consumed with other useless things that i blew up my study. Insya Allah wont repeat the same mistake again this year, pray for me!
3. Went to a lot of places this year, mostly the pulau inside Malaysia (next year no more Pulau please, hitam legam dah ni). I can pretty say that my weekends were occupied with all sorts of activities, be it travelling with friends, oh classes terlupa pulak haha, concerts or some outdoor activities in KL, Alhamdulillah.
4. Some of the bestfriends are happily married to their other half. And beside always being the bridesmaid, i did both makeup for their akad nikah. Haha. Nothing to proud of, i didnt even charged them since i know my make up skills is just bleh je, saje tolong member2 kurangkan cost kahwin haha. But happy to be trusted and be part of the event. Semoga happy sampai ke Jannah ok, you alls!

2015 was actually a year full of challenges for me, from the beginning to the end, non stop. I struggled a lot, trying my best to keep my head up and i did feel that my life was directionless. Name it; my career, my study, my relationship, my friends, my family. It's been a worst roller coaster ride ever. However, along the year, i also learn a lot from the struggle, from the pain, from the places i went to. I come to realise what i really need in life, not what i really want. If i get what i want, it is a bonus for me but to get what i need is a blissful that He can take it back anytime He wants, so i need to be grateful for that. & Alhamdulillah, Allah does not give up on me, He sends me a lot of people to spread the positive vibes to me, and i am really thankful for that. Really. To all my closest friends, you guys are being so wonderful to me this year << you guys know who you are. And i am really sorry if in 2015, i couldnt do much for you guys as i was struggling to stand back. But December 2015 is a turn point for me, Insya Allah i hope to keep this good vibes, the positive energy, the peaceful and thoughtful mindset in the year of 2016 and i hope that i can give more to people next year especially to my parents. Lets have a good year and always, always put your trust on Him, Amin.